Your website is finally finished and ready to go! It looks beautiful. All shiny and new and representing the company in the best possible way. Well done! You just need to press the GO LIVE button . . . but we’ve got some news you were not expecting. The hard work is not over. Now you need to work on getting people to come and have a look at your efforts. But don’t worry too much. There is good news. 
We’re here to tell you that there are some neat tricks and tips for boosting your site’s search engine optimisation, or SEO, that will bring people flocking. Even better news, the following three SEO tricks will only take you an hour or less. 
These kinds of quick but effective changes are known as hacks, and we’ve got three of the very best to tell you about. So, read the below, set aside a few hours and then watch the traffic start to flow. 

Create titles and descriptions for each page 

Were you aware that you can create a unique title and description for every page of your website? These little texts are a great SEO opportunity that can help to give both customers and search engines a neat little summary of what your business does. Within these descriptions you can use a few keywords and phrases that help to boost your site’s SEO potential. 
These are called meta titles and descriptions that are displayed by your search engine of choice following your query or question. The pages they appear on are often referred to as SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Meta titles and descriptions do not feature word for word on the website page and are not visible, but are designed to summarise the content of the page. Each page on your website will be different, so this metadata offers a great opportunity to finely tune what features on the page for the search engine to find it in the first place and specifically address the visitor query. 
They are one of the first things search engines look at in order to rank your pages, and if one of your pages shows up on a search results page, your little description will then be visible to potential customers. 
Keep your descriptions short and sweet. Google typically displays the first 50–60 characters of a meta title. If you keep your titles under 60 characters, research suggests that you can expect about 90% of your titles to display properly. For the meta description, work with about 160 characters. Try and get the main thrust of your page into the first line, so that viewers are more inclined to pay a visit. Very often people make a decision about your site’s content within a couple of seconds of reading this description or will simply skim read it looking for the relevant words, so make sure they are there. 
Depending on how many pages your site has, adding these descriptions can be very fast, often taking less than an hour. But it can have a big impact. 

Choose the right URL 

Before your site goes live you need to seriously think about what it is called. The obvious choice is the name of the business, but this might not always be the best option. 
Your URL, or domain name, is the web address that visitors will input to their search bar to find your site. Think of it like the name above the door of a physical shop. It needs to be simple and easy to remember. Try to avoid numbers and hyphens as this can complicate things. The easier it is to recall and type into a search bar, the more people will make direct visits. 
However, we don’t all search for direct web addresses. Sometimes we use search engines to find sites that offer suitable content. In that sense, if you can include a keyword or other relevant search term in the URL then you will have more of an impact on search results pages. Try your business name attached to the industry in which you operate or you could even choose your geographical location (although this can cause problems down the line if your business gets bigger and outgrows the local area). 
You should also remember that there are many other parts to a domain name. There are subdomains and protocols for each page, and this is your chance to really go to town on the keywords. You also need to bear in mind how your URL or domain will work in terms of social media. Is your URL easy to turn into a social media handle or does it already exist for another page or profile? 
Basically, you need to do a little research before you choose your URL. But spend a little time picking the right domain, choose suitable subdomains and make sure your URL works well for SEO, social media and user experience, and this can have a big impact on traffic. 
Interested to know more about choosing the right domain name that reflects your brand? You can read more about this here.  

Start a blog with long-tail keywords 

OK, so we know that writing a blog is an ongoing process that takes more than an hour in the long run. But the really important thing to remember here is that long-tail keywords are the factor that drives traffic. In a competitive online environment, it’s going to be very hard and take vast amounts of time to target the big keywords. 
If you’re a small construction firm, you’re never going to compete with the big firms for keywords like ‘construction’ or ‘builders’. But you do stand a chance when you get more specific. ‘Construction firms in Brighton’ makes the playing field that little bit more even. And a blog is the perfect place to do this. 
It doesn’t take much time to add a blog to your site, and with each post you have the opportunity to add keywords that tap into long-tail traffic, as well as adding links and providing useful content that search engines will recognise. At less than an hour a week, this is a very valuable asset to your site in more ways than one. 
Spend a little time on your SEO and you can see big results. Ignore or overlook it and all that hard work that you’ve done building your site will go unnoticed by the people you need to try and reach. Of course, there are plenty more tricks for boosting your SEO, but give the three above a try for a start and see if you notice the results. 
For convenience, you will want to have a website where you can make all these changes yourself through an easy to use Content Management System (CMS) without having to refer back to the original designer or developer, and at no extra cost. 
That’s exactly what we offer here at It'seeze Web Design Watford. Our website editor is so easy to use, and we will get you off to a great start with training, and ongoing local support and advice. Why not get in touch with our friendly team today to find out more about the professional web design services we can offer. 
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